Feelings List:
Expand your emotional vocabulary and explore your feelings with this comprehensive feelings list. While not scientifically determined, this list serves as a guide to help you articulate and understand your emotional experiences. Remember that individual interpretations may vary, and different individuals might organize the list slightly differently. Use this list as a valuable resource for enhancing emotional awareness, self-reflection and self-differentiation.
Accepting / Open:
Strong: Trusting
Medium: Accepting, Open, Present
Light: Calm, Centered, Content, Fulfilled, Patient, Peaceful, Relaxed, Serene
Aliveness / Joy:
Strong: Ecstatic
Medium: Amazed, Awe, Delighted, Enthusiastic, Excited, Happy, Inspired, Passionate, Thrilled, Vibrant
Light: Eager, Energized, Engaged, Free, Invigorated, Lively, Playful, Radiant, Renewed, Satisfied
Angry / Annoyed:
Strong: Furious, Outraged
Medium: Agitated, Aggravated, Edgy, Exasperated, Frustrated, Hostile, Irritated, Moody
Light: Annoyed, Contempt, Disgruntled, Impatient, Resentful, Upset
Courageous / Powerful:
Strong: Valiant
Medium: Adventurous, Brave, Capable, Confident, Determined, Grounded, Proud, Strong, Worthy
Light: Courageous, Free
Connected / Loving:
Strong: Fulfilled, Present
Medium: Accepting, Affectionate, Caring, Compassion, Empathy, Safe, Warm, Worthy
Light: Curious, Engaged, Fascinated, Interested, Intrigued, Involved, Stimulated
Despair / Sad:
Strong: Heartbroken
Medium: Anguish, Depressed, Disappointed, Forlorn, Gloomy, Sorrow, Weary
Light: Despair, Melancholy, Sad, Unhappy, Upset, Yearning
Disconnected / Numb:
Strong: Removed
Medium: Aloof, Distant, Indifferent, Isolated, Resistant, Uneasy, Withdrawn
Light: Bored, Confused, Lethargic, Listless, Numb
Embarrassed / Shame:
Strong: Humiliated
Medium: Ashamed, Self-conscious
Light: Useless, Worthless
Strong: Terrified
Medium: Afraid, Anxious, Nervous, Panic, Scared, Worried
Light: Apprehensive, Hesitant
Strong: Moved
Medium: Appreciative, Delighted, Fortunate, Grace, Humbled, Lucky, Thankful, Touched
Light: Grateful
Guilt / Regret / Remorseful:
Strong: Remorseful
Medium: Guilt, Regret, Sorry
Strong: Trusting
Medium: Encouraged, Expectant, Optimistic
Light: Hopeful
Strong: Trapped, Victim
Medium: Impotent, Incapable, Resigned
Tender / Loving:
Strong: Self-loving
Medium: Calm, Caring, Loving, Reflective, Serene, Vulnerable, Warm
Stressed / Tense:
Strong: Exhausted, Frazzled, Overwhelmed
Medium: Anxious, Cranky, Depleted, Restless, Shaken, Weary, Worn out
Light: Stressed, Tense
Unsettled / Doubt:
Strong: Shocked, Skeptical
Medium: Apprehensive, Concerned, Disturbed
Light: Dissatisfied, Rejecting, Reluctant, Unsure, Questioning, Suspicious